
Social & ​Emotional ​Wellness


Referral & ​Permission ​Forms

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Teacher & ​Parent ​Resources

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SE​W Team

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Referral & ​Permission Form

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To help the SEW team keep track of who needs to meet with us and who has permission to meet with us, please use the links ​below. Teachers, please fill out the referral form and then share the permission form with the student’s parent/guardian.

Remember that a SEW team member cannot meet with a student without a permission form unless it is a crisis situation.

for teachers

Teacher & Parent ​Resources

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Search Engine to find community counselors and therapists in Orem (you can filter ​by price, health insurance, etc. to find the best fit for you and your family)

Pure Edge (free mindful brain breaks and curriculum)

You can create a free account and use all of the resources on the website.

Meet the Sew Team

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Mrs. Allyson Datwyler

School Counselor

At school Monday, Wednesday, & ​Friday Morning



Mrs. Sarah LeMonte

School Psychologist

At school Tuesday & Thursday



Mr. Danny Tumblin

School Social Worker

At school on Friday

