Wellness background.

Counseling ​Services

Supports the social-emotional well-being and academic success of all students.

Old Dusty Black Chalk Board

Monthly Classroom Lessons

Building Resiliency through positive connections

    • Self-regulation & Resiliency using the RULER approach
    • Social-emotional skills
    • Strength-based character education
    • School Safety
    • College & Career Readiness

Monthlty Lessons

Click on the links below to see what we learned

Illustration of Realistic Piece of Chalk
Handdrawn Organic Blackboard Vertical

What’s your ​Word?









Abstract Iris Flower

Small Group Counseling

  • Supports students' emotional and social development by:
    • Practicing self-regulating and calming strategies.
    • Practicing positive social interactions.
    • Working through challenging situations.
  • Groups reinforce belongingness and inclusion by:
    • Practicing connection skills (listening, taking turns, manners)
    • Practicing slowing down, thinking before talking
    • Working on kindness and acceptance of self and others.
  • 8 weeks, 30-minute sessions.
    • Parent permission is required
  • 4-6 students
Emotional regulation RGB color icon



Emotional Regulation

Create positive relationships with self and with peers by practicing social skills and affirmations.

Anxiety girl


Connecting emotions to thoughts and behavior. Exploring calming strategies that help manage the stress.

Work through grief due to unexpected loss or change.

Coração e Abraço

Groups are determined by the SEW Team and are based on the needs of the school.

Build coping skills to mange feeling in a safe and healthy way

Cartoon Fight Scene

Self Regulation

Recognizing how our thoughts, words, and behavior affect our school experience and practice classroom etiquite

Small Group Counseling

referral process?

  • Talk with your student’s teacher
  • The teacher will refer the student to SEW team.
  • SEW team will determine the appropriate support.
  • The counselor will reach out to the parent.
  • Parent permission is required.
Abstract Iris Flower
Cut Out Leaf
Lineless Artisanal Sparkle

Individual Counseling

Lineless Artisanal Sparkle
  • Short-term, solution-focused counseling with the intent for students to quickly return to class.
  • Motivational interviewing and cognitive behavior therapy techniques are used to help students ​process their experiences and help them better understand themselves and others.
  • Check-ins with students who have set goals and want help tracking progress.
  • Parent permission forms must be signed before the second visit.
  • Allowed up to 6 formal visits depending on need.
  • Students will never be turned away when advocating for themselves.
Cut Out Leaf
Wooden Frame Illustration


Students' confidentiality will be respected to ​maintain trust between the counselor and the ​student.


  • Someone is hurting you
  • You want to hurt yourself
  • You are hurting someone else
  • You give me permission to share with another ​caring adult.

I am a mandated reporter and am required by law ​to report when a child is suspected of being in ​danger.

Lineless Artisanal Sparkle
Lineless Artisanal Sparkle
Cut Out Leaf

Referral Process

Who can refer?

  1. Student self-referral
  2. Parent request
  3. Teacher/admin referral
  4. SEW team referral

What happens next?

  1. The counselor meets with the student
  2. Parent will be contacted via email or phone call.
  3. The permission form must be signed for ​counselor to meet with student again.

What if my student just needs a break?

  1. The Wellness Room is available for 5-10 minute ​breaks.
  2. Student self-regulates and returns to class.
Lineless Artisanal Sparkle
Cut Out Leaf
Circle Enso Zen Brush Vector Illustration Icon Design
Circle Enso Zen Brush Vector Illustration Icon Design
Shiny Airbrush Bubble
Circle Enso Zen Brush Vector Illustration Icon Design
Shiny Airbrush Bubble
Shiny Airbrush Bubble

Wellness Room

  • A quiet relaxing space where students can take a break to self-regulate.
  • The student has tried self-regulation in class and is still struggling to focus.
  • Student is given a choice of whether or not they want to talk
  • Student selects calming tools to help regulate emotions
  • Wellness Room is in the traiers - #302
  • It is unavailable during Small Group meetings.
Circle Enso Zen Brush Vector Illustration Icon Design
Shiny Airbrush Bubble
Circle Enso Zen Brush Vector Illustration Icon Design
round bubble frame

How does it work?

Students must be accompanied to the ​Wellness Room by the counselor/aide.

  1. The student tells their teacher that they ​need a break.
  2. The student finds the counselor
  3. The counselor/aide takes the student to ​the Wellness Room

Students have 5-10 minutes

to s​elf-regula​te.

Circle Enso Zen Brush Vector Illustration Icon Design
Shiny Airbrush Bubble
Shiny Airbrush Bubble
Shiny Airbrush Bubble
Shiny Airbrush Bubble
Shiny Airbrush Bubble
Shiny Airbrush Bubble

Sage Hills Elementary

Sage Hills Counseling

Meet your counselor

School Counselor Role


Counseling Services

Monthly Lessons

Individual Counseling

Small Group Counseling

Wellness Room

Social-Emotional Wellbeing

SEW Team



Thunderhawk Defenders

Parent & Student Resources

Safety & Crisis



Stone stack
Stone stack

Karen Pauga kpauga@alpinedistrict.org 801-601-8723